
Highlights on CotEditor 3.1

Touch Bar support
CotEditor provides support for the new MacBook Pro's Touch Bar.
Improve tabbed window support
Now, you can customize Sierra's tabbed window behavior in CotEditor preferences. Furthermore, when you open multiple files at once, they will be combined to a single window with tabs.

What's New on CotEditor 3.1.0


New Features

  • Improve window tabbing on macOS Sierra:
    • Add an option to set window tabbing behavior (in Window pane).
    • Open multiple files in a single window with tabs when the window tabbing behavior is set as “Automatically” (or “In Full Screen Only” in system-wide).
  • Support Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro.


  • Display the number of replaced in the replacement string field after Replace All in the find panel.
  • Display the IANA charset name conflict alert as a document-modal sheet.


  • Fix an issue where the application could crash on a large amount of text change.
  • Fix an issue where the application crashed when try to save a document with Non-lossy ASCII encoding.
  • Fix an issue where text fields in find panel cut off the end of long lines.
  • Fix an issue where the alert about the conflict with IANA charset name was not displayed.
  • Fix an issue where some kind of files could not be opened via Service.
  • Fix syntax highlight of quoted text of which quotation delimiter consists of multiple characters.
  • Improve general stability.

previous release notes